Rutes Sílvia Rovira

Camino de Sant Jaume of 3,500 km

Cardona’s Sílvia Rovira starts tomorrow the challenge of crossing Europe by mountain bike, from Krakow to Santiago.

The former professional and Olympic runner Sílvia Rovira starts tomorrow the daring challenge of crossing Europe by mountain bike following the routes marked as the Camino de Sant Jaume, with a total route of 3,500 kilometers, from Krakow (Poland) to Santiago de Compostela The adventure is expected to last between 40 and 45 days (with an average of 80 kilometers per day). Cardona’s Sílvia Rovira, who has remained connected to the world of mountain biking since she had to leave professional mountain biking due to an accident, presented her project to a competition of sports challenges (overcoming, sacrifice and effort) called by the company Gaes (hearing centers). And his proposal was one of the five chosen (the second most scored in the final). Rovira has pointed out that “initially I will start this journey alone, but later it is planned that Jordi will join us. With him we have already done long mountain bike tours taking advantage of the vacation stages. This adventurous spirit is what made me decide to enter the contest with a route that can combine effort and sacrifice with all the magic and mysticism that comes from the Camino de Sant Jaume. Sílvia Rovira will start the route tomorrow in Poland (today she plans to travel to Krakow ) and is also scheduled to pass through the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, and France until reaching the most common route of the Camino de Sant Jaume in Spain.

